Monday 27 June 2022


 It's thing bout love charlie like there is one thing you know you love someone and then there is that one moment after sometime or a long gap of loving someone and you suddenly feel that moennt of strong rush of realisation how much you still love them like that one omg I love him kinda moment not for some specific reason or characteristic of theirs but that moemnt of realisation of how much you love just their existence just the whole being of what they are made of....

To you the versova meet was all and more bout that feeling...

Cause it also was the first time you got to spendbthat alone time with him for the longest of hours like being on drives with him for the entire day was also there but he still was driving so there was that missing out on living him fullest kinda vibe...

The versova meet was the only time where you got to spend like 7-8 hours with him with just him not having to be anywhere else or with anybody else around but just him and nothing else but him......

This morning after the waking up from the dream usual routine of getting ready finally back at work after the gap and youbsee the manager walkin and heads over to the kicthen for chai and you fataaak se get your moment of living him and there it was the beloved circle and it was of some Beatles tribute event that he was out at.....

The highlight though was the pinned pictures of him looking super adorably happy in his best director moemnt dream of yours and the other being the trailer of his film.....again the most prominent and closest to your heart moment wasbthe term Versova location tag over em!!

The second any sound visual or anything to do with that one place and the waaaaaaaaaays it brings him along is beyond words and reasons!!

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