Saturday 11 June 2022


Moments like these making you realise again this love to write him out eyes barely can open but that one strong sense of his voice his whisper calling you karely like you sniff first to check his presence again just to recheck if it wasn't just your mind playing his voice on loop....

That smellllll of his orsence like always and you turn a lil more closer to where you smell him the most and that one beauuuuutiful whisper of his voice calling you karely first and then that one smileeeee of his as he calls you howlii.....

Ayyyaaaaaa that slightest touch of his daaaadi as he gently just brushes away his face against yours and that one shakeeee you wake up with...

Again his voice that clear that touch and smell of him that clear!!!!!

Should've known it's the Youday magic afterall...

Right from the very start today waking hoto that dream of his after 2 days prolly and how!!!!!

It's when you missed him that THAT bad and to live him away that way!!!!!

The mind on mornings like these is just that beautifully lost like you are in that flight mode head in the air barely can sense anything else but him cause that's HOW much of him you just lived felt and loved away in the dream ..

Like the mind the you still there in that very world and you just wakeup with most of you still there in that very moment with him...

Routine stuff and the sound of manager never sounded sweeter as she comes over to collect the fabric swatches so she could leave for the sourcing.....

Sit over the couch watching every move of hers waiting for that one golden moment where she leaves her fone and that finally happens when she sits down at the dining for breakfast chatting away with the cook akdbyour mom.....

Take the fone and that one run to your mom and evry single time you live a tensed up moemnt like this one for her fonebthat one self talk mode why only to block life wouldve been much easier for you if it wasn't for the block i say.....

That most beloved circle rounding away hit it and it wa s from last nite monsoon showers in Bombay and he shares it with that slightest glimpse of his hand firstly the sound of Beatles and the visual of his vento with his style of putting away the sahdes over the dashboard.....

Toooo many things one single frame toooooooo many feeeeeeels one single frame!!!!!!!

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