Wednesday 1 June 2022

SOME days!!!!!

 From the most hectic lowest day yesterday to this one today!!!!!!!

Again times when you realise how just that touch of him brightens up everything away......

That one person in your life that one something in your life that you always come back to at the end of the day that one feeel that one vibe you come back to end of the day when you are done for the day work life in general a good day bad day hectic one over worked one or a chilled one andbyet that one vibe like nothing else that makes you feel that way like your place your vibe that one something in life nothing else.....

It's this feeeeeeeeeeeel that you are feeeling and right now cause today right from the very start was something else again......cause the yesterday was something like you've never experienced work wise like a learning point that made you change up switch up a notch higher like if it wasn't for the incident you were pretty settled with the current space....

But the ways charlie be it fever dreams he is always there be it a bad day like yesterday and yes he was there then too ayyyyaaaaaaaaa that one adorablest thing on the face of this planet i say your poooora ka pooooora heart and soul right there on his face!!!!!!!!

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