Thursday 30 June 2022

Him = coming alive...!

 U think of this many a times on dull days sometimes how nothing makes you come alive not being anywhere being gifted something by your mom just to cheer you up like being somehwre nothing else has this kinda affect on or over you!!!!!

And here's him with a dream with a stare through sleepy starry eyes of his some gentle slow whisper of his taking your name some visual photograph sound of his whistle sound of his whiff whiff his hand movement of his hand anything to everything to do with him the waaaaaaaay waaaaàaaaays it transforms you away like this......

This mind this face this all inside what and how it's feeling away right now or evr since the start of the day on the outside no matter what this smile this rush of him this mind this beauuuutifully high on him like it's afloat off the ground just like his psy beedi vibes.....

The waaaay it leaves you transformed the visual of his house memories and flashes of him in corners when you realise again time n again how much HOW MUCH you loved living him even in his spaces to just live him around to live his lilst of details!!!!!

Today to live these lilst of moments of him his sound of whistle his hand the moemnts lived with him feeling his hand away skin and hair away..... like all it takes is a visual a sound to do this to you and howwww!!!!!!

It's this beauuuuutiful feel of rush charlie mind just hapoy high on him is when you also feel how happy someone's existence can make you feel is also when you realise that's how much you love them......not just cause you want them to love you but because you just love them for their existence......

Chipppy today you are missed very very differently and for the zillionth time if only you had the slightest idea or feel, as to how much and how bad you were missed!!!!!!!

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