Friday 1 September 2023


 What doiioooi you even call moments like these when it’s been the looooooooongest day of the year so far and you galti se fall asleep on the couch itself with his music playing and movie playing too……

This sudden change of pace in your breath in sleep and you turn side and this sudden heart beat race sniff around and that scent of him THAT close to you and before you even make sense of his presence the slow nibble over your arm and you hold yourself from moving shaking or suddenly wake up and that adooooooorable sound of his chuckle and the bite after that wakes you up……..

And this is not even your mind still up and the waaaaay you can still smell him around ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what do you even call moments like these when your heart knows and feels his presence even before he moves or the sent of him…

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you sexy sexy lilllll big adoooooooorable thing how only you were missed abhiiiiiiiiiiiiu ke abiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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