Thursday 28 September 2023

THE wait!!!!!

 All of the night through n through that one wait in you for him to turn knowing he was wearing the very same shirt that you were that mad crazy bout him in like you could sense by the feeel of it as you move your hand across his back feeling the texture know it was same black one softest and that waiiiiiiit in you for him to turn and you keep patting him at the back hoping waiting for him to turn and slowly move him if it wakes him up that waiiiiiit in you to live him!!!!!!

It was only by the morning writing that moemnt out do you realise you should’ve just jumped across and lived that beauuuuuuuty of him away zyadaaa se zyadaa you would’ve been off the bed on the floor waking up or maybe could’ve lived that sexy away!!!!!!

To these moments through the day fittings prepping planning for the special shoot tomo as it’s Mirari…

Mirror work collection as an ode to this looooooove for the mirrors and the him reflection moments shared with him through the years right from the very first time mirror has held a very special place in your love for him or his love for you……like the big part of your story just music has been!!

Through the planning at work this one mind still wondering why didn’t you just jump across and seen him away held him away chummi eat him away and almost forgetting it was a dream…

To when you had to last minute head out to buy a few things and this one bike guy passes by wearing the exact same rayban deep black glasses as he used to back then… he is as far as you’ve seen wears the Lennon frames back then it was the rayban and this one deep black one…

This too has a special few moments tagged with it so today the impulse him rush purchase of the day was fiiiiiiiiinally the same almsot the same deep black rayban style armani sunnies……

This one feeeeeeel you come back with with that very first comment from your mom from your clothes with shirts to the crew neck men’s tees you wear at home to the chappals to the glasses now everything bout you is turning masculine!!!!!!!

And that tooooo makes the insides of you smiiiile away knowing to you alone what it meant!!!!

The His style rayban frames!!!!!!

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