Tuesday 12 September 2023


 Those places charlieeeee and ayyyaaaaaa this feeeeeeel they over filled you with the same place the same streets with just the change in the flyover over rest it’s all that beauuutifully same the bakery no more but it’s that feeeeelthatvplace still holds even after all these years for you to still feeeeel him through those very places like you couldn’t go farther cause of the sudden heavy rains and take a turn back home with that weird feeelinf for not having gone ahead and at the signal playing this very song and that very moment even amidst the rains these bubbles around you had your face down playing the song over phone and this one side eye bubble you see lift and look around and these two guys one guy on each side of the car blowing those soap bubbles that he has bought for you back then in fulllltoooo filmy style have these bubbles all around just around your car on both sides and that one feeeeeeeel like you were looking around with that biggest wiiidest smile possible cause in that very moment again you felt him the strongest the waaay it gave out that vibe of his love srill for you kinda beauuuuuty!!!!

Even writing it now qyyyaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeee you gorgeouuuuuuus lilbig adoooooooorable sexy thing how only you were missed abiiiiii ke avgiiiiiiii!!!!!!!

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