Tuesday 5 September 2023


 Like more of these and to come home with that highhjjjjh on him like the first thing you had to was get in the workout you were almsot sleepy by then itself but there was that urgency to feel him charlie aaj like there were too many other moemtsv connecting with memories you can’t write out that left you with that rush rushhhhhhhh of him and you just wanted to feel him all the more and soon as you come home get ready and in for the workout …….

There’s this buzzzzzzz in the head like you can feeeeo this rush ever since that him singing the song for you dream and the other dream again can’t write out which was the most detailed one with his words him saying him making you feel his love away and this zzzzzzz it’s been with you ever since……

Like today beech beech mein this need to see him sneaking in her phone hoping wishing for something him and it doesn’t then this was the other way…..

Post workout this one track charlie the waaaay it always takes you back to the Versova couch of his laying beside him and living his details away with that beauuuuuuuuty of him……

The waaaay he would move around over your shoulder pulling your arm away and then moving a bit away and then watching you again you were high he was high but you weren’t as high as the first time cause this one according to him was a milder version than the first time…you remember even telling him it’s not same one and the waaaay he chuckles over it saying agar who peeti tho ghar nai jaaati thi tu and that one rushhhh and you tell him Phir banana thaa….there were these on n off mentions about you not wanting to go home that day and yettttttt………….

Him slowly softly nibbling over your arm your hands anyplace he could find over the arm or chummi too the same way where you try to chummi him longer and he wouod move you away and do it over your arm instead there ws that need for him to live your presence more like you could sense in the way he didn’t want you to look away from him even for changing the track or moving away to get water the way he keeps the bottle around just so you don’t get off and away from him away from his sight !!!!!!

As much as you were living him away it was more of him doing it instead ……..

Sooooooo yaaaah where to only it went this one track vital and the waaaaay it has that essence of that meet of those moments of that slow loving slow living with that rushhhhhhhh vibe!!!!!!

As you were stretching today over the spine that sudden shake and you still stay that way lifting head up for some neck and back stretch over 4 and this one feeeeeeeeeel of a touch over and around the neck eyes closed there he was his hand over your neck moving his hand around and the way it moves you today in that very moment like exactly like it used to back then……

It was that beauuuuutiful shiver and shake in that moment like you were completely zoned out of the present moemnt in your head it was that very moment with his hand over neck just grazing your neck away slowly and it moves you and with eyes closed the same way you do the rest of the moves cause you looooooooved that feel of his presence with that track playing ……

His eyes the feeeel of him looking you in the eye as he does that that smile in between like all of him suddenly transforming into beautifuller version of his ekdum seee like you could visually live and feel the shift in him……

This mind now ekdum seeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

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