Tuesday 5 September 2023


Like from that moment on this mind this face akele akele smiling away looking up at the baasirsh and trees away!!!!!

It’s like he comes with the slightest touch and this you it’s like your mind is not even in the present kinda beauuutofully lost state of mind like you just can’t think straight or anything else but him……there were these work calls that you had to hang up cause you just couldn’t understand a single word she was talking that’s how lost you were…

To this one time she calls and talks bout finding the perfect loo and couldn’t find one so was heading to her friend place and hang up and close your eyes and again there he was!!!!!!

Dropping his sister on the outskirts for some exam of hers and him driving back home you keep asking him if he was okay and he just mentions bout wanting to use the loo and you tell and show him other places on the way where he could instead but doesn’t and all the way back home at his place and you were bout to sit downstairs as it was just you and him at his place then and chachi was going to be home any moment and he instead holds your hand and takes you along leaves his room door open makes you sit on his bed and gives you his diary and asks you to read his script……

Rushes to the washroom and had you sitting there reading his script beech beech mein still wondering the adoooooorableness of him…..

Soon as he comes out the very first thing this wouldn’t have happened if it was to choose some othe washroom…..it was something he had just finished that morning and his sister couldn’t read it either cause of her exam and he wanted you to be the first one to read it and he knew that time there would t be anybody else home but justt you and him…

Sits down on the floor with his head over your lap as you try to chummi him he loves you away and ask you to read the script instead…..

Shuru mein charlie couldn’t go beyond a line or two cause of the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he was just there holding your one leg away his arms wrapped around your leg head over your lap like as closest he could hold you closest to him he was sitting that way with a shut eye……and finally read it don’t remember which one it was but that feeeeeeeeeeeeelnofn being loved by him that way too like he literally holds into the rush of the loo all the way from behind Golkonda also it was to his home just so he could live that moment with you i mean if this wasn’t love not sure if anything else could ever be…

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