Tuesday 26 September 2023

Skin, touch…!

 Touch is all it takes, like always…!

This dream you are standing in the balcony somewhere on the call with your back resting towards the grill of the balcony like it was some work call and with one arm over the grill and this touch over your arm and you look to your side and there was somebody else like you could sense it over the touch itself the way it slightly shakes you up some face blurred away and that very moment that rush of Him…

It looked like it was somebody with you talking to you and touches your arm saying something and through those moments your mind reliving his touch and the waaaaaaaaaay it felt over your skin for the very first time itself like your heart your skin too knew it much before you, it had to be Him…

And this guy talking something joking about something somebody over the call saying something your mind your ears go al numb over it and all you could feel think relive in that moment was his touch over your arm the way he would first touch and then slide his fingers slow n smooth over your arm still looking you in the eye with that one smiiiiiiile of his cause he had noticed the freshly waxed arm like he used to call it back then……..which also you don’t anymore it’s razor all the way cause again one of those things he loved and didn’t make sense anymore…

Like there were these series of moments this one moment when you walking out or something and the guy comes over holding you ekdum se guys face close to your neck and you were all numb through it like you couldn’t feel a thing nothing at all there was no movement outside or inside you……like it was that empty moemnt vibe and could only see Him and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay his presence his stare him just standing used to make you feel ever since the start and you move away with the guy still talking….like visually couldn’t see the face no clue what so ever couldn’t hear the sound or words talking it was all just that visual realisation of something you always knew…like there were these series of moments and all through them even just walking looking to your side and seeing somebody else didn’t make you feel anything nothing at all!!!!!!

It didn’t make and yet made all the sense away!!!!!!

This was exactly what you knew all along everytime somebody mentions bout you getting into a relationship or marrying somebody THIS is something you always knew…

It’s like you your mind your heart your skin the core of your soul lilst ro biggest of things that you are made of knows where it belongs it always knew…that very first sense of touch when you weee looking away on the work call and the guy touches your arm and that feeewwewwwl on the inside like your mind in that very moment goes it’s not Him…cause you couldn’t feel a thing!!!!!

It prolly was the weirdest of dreams you’d ever had and yet had that core of your reality depict through all those series of moments where it only made that feeeeeel of belonging to Him that much stronger…

The way he had that beautifully said it back then, it’s like I own you…

Insisting on you getting married and you get irritated over it and tell him I will and after some chat over Skype says that one door where he knows he could just come back to will be closed if you do…it’s like I own you!!

Some chats of his i SWEAR even recalling it now!!!!!!!!!

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