Thursday 7 September 2023


 It’s been toooooo much him lately that keeps happening over n over again and it’s all making you too much happy away donno how why or what just this zzzzzzzz feeeeeeels it’s giving you away is different and after a very long time and all of this happenings strangely in his absence too!!!!!!

These dreams of his lately these moments lately through your day like the other day out for some work pass by this school that had a board displayed of the school and the kids face looked ditttttroooooo like his bachpan ka photo and it made you that happy away just bout to click a picture and the bus comes on the side and you miss it and with too much jam in the lane you could t even take a u turn and come back for it still bending over to see it and this bike comes to the side of the window the guy driving the bike smiles asking to stop the car so he could take the turn and the magic of that moemnt the same blue and red striped collared tee of his with white shoes a lil ahead and this board of Chetan electronics like it was that beauuuuuuuutofully in sync and with these strong of moments there was this constant smile and inside giggle over how tied your days and moments are with him…

The waaaaaaays he just comes charlie like it’s soooo filmy sometimes nai like you see in the movies all these signs leading to your place your destination and to you it’s always been Him right from the very start!!!!!

To this day this morning him coming twice as funnily ironic as it sounds he did come twice with the same moment on repeat to finally heading out to work cause you couldn’t skip it with the other Pret line planning process on with meetings no matter how bad the nose state was just had to……

Struggling to have a straight face on cause you keep touching feeling your nose and face away with that one thought on mind he touched all of these details away this morning with his nose kinda Khushi playing on loop on the inside be it with the printer meeting souring fabric design discussions even with pattern cut work and they are doing and showing the textures and you stand there standing smiling away just recalling the feeeeeel of his nose away with the slow breathes in between him for a change sniffing you away as he moves his nose over and around your face……

Even writing it out now this feeeeeeeeeeel right now!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaaaaa zaaaahir karuuuuu kyaaaaa hai mere iraaaadeyytt!!!!!!!!!!

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