Wednesday 6 September 2023


 All these days post shoot feeling like iron man cause you felt THAT immune as the model had bad cold and cough and you "thought" youd managed to not get caught!!!!!

Yesterday by late evening it finally kicks in bad cold with fever but the waaaaay the day was laced with again few beauuuuuuutiful him magics through n through...

Am telling you charlie it's all been feeling away differently beautiful off late again when and as you say it now touching the woodest of woods your head away as you write it!!!!!

To again galti se falling asleep with everything him playing canfles lit over the couch some movie it was don't even know which one you played and you fall asleep right there.......

It happened twice the same dream similar feeeeel of him one not sure what time it was and the other at the same hour must be the same hour from back then of mornings this side you change and with all the cushions down there was enough space for him too like as crazy as this sounds you made sure bout that when that sleep was kicking in.......

Slow whispers that draws you closer to where you could hear him most before you know he moves his nose over your face like your eyes yiurbnose cheeks forehead like every detail on your face he moves his nose over and finally just stays and lets his nose over your lip and slowly whispers your nose is wet in that beauuuuuuutifully sexy n low sleepy tone of his voice that you were used to listening to back then.......and your reply to that was just an I love you...

Like saying it out to be him even in a dream happened after a very long time like you don't even remember when was the last time you said it out loud!!!!!!!!

And the sound of his chuckle still staying over your lip slow sound of hmm and then finally says it I love you too howli and both the times he said it last night shook you up woke you up be it that hour or later this morning......

There was that almost comfort magic like vibe to him coming all through those moments he keeps moving his hand over you holding you softly like he was comforting you like he knew you weren't feeling so well like always when down with fever he is always there again something's you write now and your heart makes another wish!!!!!!!! This very moment now!!!!!!!

There's been this beauuuuuuutiful wild wild rush of his missing lately to this one beauty of him yesterday!!!!!!!!!

Singh miyaaaaaaaaaaa how only like HOW ONLY you were missed again today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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