Tuesday 26 September 2023


 It was that feeeeel you wake up with initially when it gets all the more weird for having visually lived those moments seeing yourself that way with somebody else secondly like that inside talk wanting to say it to everybody who kabhi bhi came up with that suggestion of asking you to move on and saying see this is what I was trying to tell you see this is what happens could’ve happened eventually!!!!!!

It’s not even like you move away from it but that core thing of not feeling anything at all like you don’t even have that sense of touch kinda vibe like that beautifully numb and recalling Him through it all and smiling away in that weird situation too how him just standing at a distance looking at you standing at the door used to make you feel and idhar whoever the guy was holding your arm and you couldn’t feel q thing holding you and you couldn’t feel a thing!!!!!!

Like it was making you feel that weird discomfort all through the day at work post work just recalling that with somebody around and that close to you to that sense of calm knowing realising for once when it was just a dream to just reliving that feeeewwwwwel of him feeeel of his touch and his presence and that change in vibes suddenly inside you just feeling happy about it for no reason to just realise it all….

It was beautiful weirdly beautiful…!

Like you can’t even define out the exact feeeeel it made you feel today…

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