Sunday 24 September 2023

To love…

 What you think of love read love watch love see live around are taught love changes everything like everything changes literally till you experience a love like this…

It changes evrythung away and in a way that it can’t go back to what and how you thought it was like…

A love like that One…!

It somehow makes you be so soo in love with life itself regardless of the absence… you literally feel everything around and in you so deeply and love every bit of any experience something as lil as watching the moon up with that perfect C formation on your way back home from movie last night with this one track playing on loop that was bringing every possible version of his along!!!!!

And HOW!!!!!

Like the facts the absence everything in between do cause that haze and confusion sense of lostness self doubt and evrythung but on the whole it’s this sense of Love that’s much stronger than everything else like this very moment as you just be legs up watching the night sky with on n off drizzle reliving him his words conversations his every expression face movement that made your heart skip a beat made you live him more want him more made you the happiest person on the planet and this feeeeeeel of this overflow of love it fills your heart with…..

Moments when literally evrythung else for the moment goes blur and all that stays is the him from that moemnt from that conversation from this morning even and this one feeeeeeel of only it was for real……if only it was like the more you dream the stronger you dream a dream for real it soon becomes your ultimate reality!!!!!!

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