Sunday 10 September 2023


 When you wake up like with him holding you that tight that you can again still smell him around this feeeeeel right now !!!!!!!!!!!

Everytime every single time all these years when sick and the waaaaaaaays he comes!!!!!!!

Be it last night too that moment when you fall asleep with tv still on as the fever got worse and to feeeeeel him that way suddenly like in that moment the fever the cold that beautifully disappears and all you could feeeeel touch and smell was that love of his…….

Like it wakes you up ekdum se looking to your side of the couch still wondering where did he go……couldn’t write tabhi and just had to save that moemnt feeeeeeel of him away and you take a screenshot of the phone to save the time away……

To see it this morning and that feeeel everytime you see it on your phone having seen lived loooooved him in the very same place and HOW!!!!!!

His on the blue canvas script right there the lights the space of his SOMETHJNGS!!!!!!!!!!

Almost the awakening code timing it looked like, awakening and howww…

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