Wednesday 27 September 2023


 Slightest touch of him even in sleep now moments like these and this sudden feeeeeeeeeeel it fills you up with …..when you could just feel his breath over your neck and then the touch and you very slow turn towards and that scent of him confirming away his presence and HOW!!!!!!!

From a morning waking up to him like that one that sort of made you complete day that beauuuuuutifully difficult and helpless!!!!!

Where you had to control the best of you away and not smile not blush not keep smiling more importantly cause that’s how lost and on flight mode or him mode your mind and all of you was in…

Slightest of him anything him and this you it suddenly transforms you away is just beyond logics !!!!!!!!

This THIS rush today!!!!!!!!!!!

Like it keeps going back to his details from that zoomed in mode his every lil beautifully magic like detail of his face and neck from this morning!!!!!!!

Mind today mind now the more you write and this rush you can feel it grow!!!!!!!

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