Sunday 24 September 2023


 How do some sounds just like that being evrythung back like this!!!!! N

The track playing drive moments late nights with him empty streets back then with the music playing him takinfn every other route possible slowest driving possible and that rush of him as he used to smile in a certain way like you could seeee it in him as he keeps looking you in the eye even with you talking something else him just looking you in the eye and smiling that one smile of his and you keep asking beech mein you just are not listening to this nai and he nods away that adooooooooorably with his head not in the conversation and it was all you for him!!!!  

To just before dropping you staying that way over his car top with his head over it and watching you and you do the same and that very same instance as you tell him opera leke jata and that one instant zoooor kaaa nod of his fataaaak se ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa it’s that mixed feeeeeeeling sudden se charlie like from feeeeeeewwwling aisaaaa waisaaaaa for him seconds back to that very second he used to react with that nod fataaak se to adoooooore him away as a kid!!!!!!

Him his ways of just being Him was all LOVE to you like the only love or way of love you’ve Ever know in life for life…!

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