Saturday 30 September 2023


 Some moments like these!!!!!

Watching some random movie and suddenly the scene has a background score that strongly similar to the eternal sunshine one!!!!!

To the vibe of the scene that similar too!!!!!

Lilst of moments and the things they can make you realise away patting his back the other day with that waiiiiit to see him to the next 2 days that wait in you to see him making you re realise for real THAT many years actually passed by for real having seen him!!!!!

Even when he holds you from the back and is almost sleep with in between moments beech beech mein that wait in you still there to turn and live him feeeel his details away but that also feel to let him have his moemnt of missing you…….again one of those things you just knewwww the way he holds onto you that he missed that much!!!!!

To this sudden moemnt of eternal sunshine sound and thusfeeeeel of him now!!!!!!!

How that one face just that one face in the world becomes all this away all at once…

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