Tuesday 5 September 2023

HIMMMMM!!!!!!!!! πŸ’™

 Frok that moemnt recall like the mind by then was poooora him!!!!!

At the fabric store browsing through different ones with discussions for which one to finalise and stuff and iktara starts to play and you actually smile out loud ekdum se…..

There was the main store guy the manager and the other fabric sourcing guy with the staff around with fabrics in hand and you right in the middle of everyone amidst a discussion actually smile out loud and everybody looks at you wondering what made you suddenly smile almost laugh away!!!!!!

And you excuse yourself straight to these big French windows the store has and just be there smiling away akele akele cause it made you happppppy in a way you just can’t write out in best of words or expressions cause it has been one row of him magic through n throug the day one after the other and in that moment to actually feeeeeeeeee him that strongly right from that moment that made you live that first time feeeeel for him stars to play!!!!!!

And you just couldn’t help it like in your head this one thing it’s not happening today work can’t be done today like you just didn’t want to be there just walkout and be on your own and you somehow calm yourself down pull yourself together as best as you could and head back saying you’ll come back tomo to finalise on the fabrics…..

And head out inside for some lunch it was a late evening lunch almost order food stay there she heads out on phone call again that very moment this guy walks into your corner of the side table and starts to look around and you look back at your phone bout to play his music and the guy says out where is Chetan where are you man asks another guy did you see Chetan and your inside whisper self talk moemnt no man haven’t seen him for 7-8 years now!!!!!!

Some moments nai of all the names in the world it had to be this one Chetan…!

And of all the questions it had to be this one and who bhi of all the days it had to be this one nai!!!!!!!

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