Wednesday 20 September 2023

Scent of Him!!!!

 Eyes you could barely open to write now but this beauuuuuuuuty of some moments like these!!!!!

Finally getting that sleep after 3-4 days now and just like always his music playing as it keeps raining on n off gets too cold and then normal and then chilly again and you keep switching sides finding that warm corner side and this scent of him that draws pulls you closer till you nose dive your face into the couch……and then suddenly that feeeeeel of his face over your shoulder!!!!!

And that shakes you up cause you were looking to find him on the other side just your side kver the shoulder finding his comfort spot over your shoulder…

It was that beauuuuuuty of that moment charlie both of us looking for that very same thing you looking for that comfort spot in him and him in you…

From the many moments of magic all these days there was this one moment too that you donno what to make of!!

Opening the Kairi page with discussions of layout and how the logo would look and this few mins break on hand and you try to look for him wit that finallly not having to wait for her phone and now you could from this account atleast and after days just days of opening this new account he blocked you there too!!!!!

Moments like these just seconds back and then you find a moment of reality like that one you donno which way to go for…….!

How something’s that feeeeeeeeel this THIS real can also be that bitter on the other side of reality!!

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