Wednesday 13 September 2023


 It’s thissssssss way that he comes and holds you like he was in a rush to hold like he was waiiiiting to hold you and then holds you like this like you can feeeel sense hear it in his breath this THIS when he comes like this and wakes you up ekdum se and you realise you’d skipped dinner bhi and had galti se slept again watching something……..

When that moment him holding you felt THAT real like you could smell him sense him touch him hear him feeeeeeeeel that rush of his in his hug and now even writing it out you can still feeeel that feeeel of his arms over your arm like it was that strong that tight of a hug!!!!!!

Kiiituuuuuuuuuu yaaaaaaaaaa yeee tuneeeeee kyaaaaaa kiyaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

Ayyaaaaaaa if only you could scream the loudest how much are missing him in this very moment and it reaches him to know he was missed by you!!!!!!!!

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