Tuesday 5 September 2023

The day!!!!!!

Out for work and it’s been pouring this beautifully this shift between subtle and wild on n off just like the state of your mind towqy…..

Through the day the music the rains out and this one turn ahead and you see someone ask for lift with a car ahead and you were about to tell sudhakar to stop the car as it was an elderly man and the second you see that visual that rush of him having lived a similar vision back then…..even before your mind connects to it an auto passes by saying Kittu in the boldest of alphabets and it had to be him…

Back then on your way back from a drive he sees kn the opposite side of the road the car had broken down and there was a man standing right outside with family n kids on the inside…and this gorgeous fellow here stops by for that man in this side of the road saying he looks like a family man must help him otherwise nobody else would……

The stranger comes in and he asks to drop a lil ahead for fuel and him talking with the guy the guy comments over his arri grey collared t shirt and saying the guy provides equipment’s and stuff and that’s how knew about his tee all that while to just watch live him charlie cause that was prolly the first time you’d seen him taking to somebody he didn’t know…..

There’s that beauty in watching someone you absolutely love to just see how they treat converse with the other for the first time not sure why you still donno why but the waaaaaay you absolutely looooooooved watching him talk to that guy through the rear view and these on n off stares with you smiiiiling away just watching yuy live that beauuuuty of him….

Soon as he drops the guy takes a lil ahead and pulls over to the side and just holds your face for a bit and then a moment…….after the moment you tell him how much you looooooved that tee on him and he kisses again smiles away with not a word and drives again after a while the way after that one beautiful pause he adds you love me just by looking at me like I can feel it it’s not just a stare……

U loved every bit of him and those were those initial very initial days charlie like still knowing him still discovering him and looooooving every bit of him it’s these sides of him and even now when you miss him sometimes too much you miss watching him doing random most of a thing like that’s the beauuuuuuuuty of loving someone nai you don’t love them loving you you love their existence in the way they could walk talk move dance still just be could just be laying over and you love their existence on the whole……..

That was you seeing him living his veauuuutiful details and loving every bit of him all of him away!!!!!!!

Even writing it now ayyyaaa this goosebumps again!!!!!!

The waaaaay he used to slowly take your face away in his hand take a good look that slightest twitch in and around his lips and you onowwwww any moemnt moment now……..

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