Tuesday 26 September 2023

To just knoww!!!!

 Years back he had asked you in some chat about somebody else touching you chumming you after him and you nod away saying a no and he rechecks again asking not even holding your hand or holding you and with that no nod again that one smiiiiile of his ekdum see…..

To this moemnt now as you write out that moemnt nothings changed even now…

It’s weird writing it out and realising something’s out of your mind and into words now that long it has been…

No wonder this shake when some model or some known client or manager sometimes or even your mom sometimes suddenly hold you hug you or touch you without you knowing or expecting them to!!!!!!

THAT long it’s been now saying it out feels even weirder!!!!!!

The very first time on the treadmill and he suddenly comes over holds your hand sharing something he was excited about to that first time when placing his headphone over your ears places your hand over it for some reason and then placed his hand over yours and stays that way……….

That sense of Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To just realise now suddenly that very touch that very hug of his that very sense of him holding you that kiss of his and uts stayed that way and that’s how long it’s been!!!!!!!!

Something’s nai suddenly ting bolke hits you nai!!!!!!!!!

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