Friday 8 September 2023

Self induced ecstatic maxmadness!!!!!

 This is the most beauuuutiful form of actually second most beautiful form of self induced ecstatic madness I say!!!!!!!

This feeeeeeeeeeeeljnf to feeeeel him away with moves and music is beyoooooonf logics and magics!!!!!!!

To wake up with that THAT much him like you that badddsddly wanted to feel him more like it left you with not wanting to get off the bed hoping he would still be there keep shutting your eyes and then finally up with that feeeeeel of the missing core piece in you and the next alternative was to workout still low with cold but like you just had tooo!!!!! Soon as you get ready see your face and this glow like a bulb literally charlie without any skincare and your face it had this sameeee glow like from back then post meeting him like you still can’t get over how glowy your face is looking and then how do you even consider it just a dream of him coming…..

That one face I swear charlie it’s always been the most loved sight of your life!!!!!!!!like MOST Loved!!!!!!!!

All through the workout this one constant loop the mind was on his zoomed in versio from the dream the aaaaaay he was just showing telling you how much he missed you in ways more than and sometimes this STRING need to just write it out and knowing you can’t this feeeeeel!!!!!!!

To this post workout moemnt how still things like these happen or just your mind can’t be just your mind cause that’s how stronflyyyyyy you feel his touch the slow whisper in the waking state too…’s like now you make sure to keep your eyes shut through the moves and feel live him more it’s like he is there everywhrrr all over you in intervals all through the moves to this one time finally to cool down you jsut be and that sudden feeeel over arms to shoulder and this one sound from his Skype calls that stayed with you cause it still gives out those feeeeeeels of him and today too that same shiver shake over the arm to down your spine and you weren’t even sleeping…….

This mind rigjttttttt nowwwwwww ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how like this just how like this!!!!!!!!!!

This rushhhhhh this something’s that’s rushing through you be it after his dream or just that one visual of him left that beautiful trace of it all over your face to no filter selfie tho Banta!!!!!!!

Aiseeeeeee dimaaaag ku kaisaaa control karteee kii how do you even put a hold on with all this inside!!!!!!!

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