Sunday 24 September 2023

Beautiful messy mind…!

 Mornings when he comes like this and the waaaaaays it stays with you all day long and now this beauty of the hour when your mind you all of you is not just in sync with the movie watching and pulls you off n away to the balcony…

This calm and mess of the nights it’s beautiful how it holds this much calm and yet there’s that sense of a beautiful mess somewhere within it that it brings along…..

Just like the state of your mind right now how do you feeeeeeel him like this live him like this in dreams and moments and yet it’s nothing like it by his actions in real…

Like you just can’t get over how urgent it was for him to just block the sight of that account too like that string need of his for you to not see him anyway…….

Like you can only feel it to that intense level when you feel that sense of harm that person could possibly cause that you have this dire need to keep them away like your mind keeps going back to that one realisation…

It’s when you think makes you think that low of yourself like imagine what you must be to him now!!!!!!!!!

From loving you the most loved you’d ever felt in life like known felt lived love cause of Him to him feeling this for you now!!!!!!!!

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