Sunday 24 September 2023

Moments n nights!!!!

 Moments like these!!!!

Just wiping your glasses and you break the chashme ki nak and there he again comes along!!!!!

This Dd meet and him in kitchen to bring something and you notice his reading glasses that dirty and clean and wiping it and he comes and just watches you clean it and tells you in that very moment as you get a lil scared thinking he might get upset over it and just bout to keep it back and he tells you Karle u used to clean my iPod too nai back then……with him looking away finding something in the room smiling awaaay that one smile reliving that memory and you in complete shock to just see he did remember that very lilst detail too from back then……

To the next second he suddenly comes close and lays closer to your face just looking you in the eye and you feel his face his details and notice these deep marks over his nose and feel it with your hand saying chashme ki nak ka mark dekh and him smiling over it as you place the chashma over him……

His sister used to tell you how he would let her do things to him as kids playing way and this you did experience many times with him be it iiritayjnf him setting his hair which he hated like you remember first time trying to oil massage his head he gets irritated and then it did become his most loved thing late at your place like he would literally ask you to bring along oil ka bottle on the terrace to this moment as you slowly carefully place the chashma over him to check how clean it was and he says smiiiiling away ab sab clear dikra ekdum se…….

Playing with the hair over his hand or his leg when he used to hold you from back sitting on the ground in his room and legs around you and you loved moving your hands over his leg hair with him talking something and then smiiiiling chuckling away saying you love doing this with my hair nai and bringing it even closer……

Some nights and this sudden twist and change of mind it landed you in ayyaaaaaaaaaaa heart mind all of you wasnt prepared to miss him this detailllllllllfullllly ayyyaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chipppyyyyy you were misssssssssed and howwwwwwwwwwwwwww if you only knewwwww!!!!!!

Where to whereweeee only the mind is going nowwwwww feeeeewwling this much love awaaaay for his leg keee baaaaal bhi!!!!!!!!

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