Thursday 28 September 2023

All of missings!!!!!!

 Even with all of world missings can’t even comeeeeeee close to the missing that’s rushing through you!!!!!! 

When you wait wait and wait through the night for him to turn just so you could live his face from that close like you keep patting over his back for him to turn and yet he doesn’t and of all the shirts he was wearing YET again the same black one and that neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to live him that very moment in that shirt auyyaaaaaaaaaaa cause the waaaaaaaaaaays he looks that damn bad sexilyyyyy afooooooooorable in that every single time!!!!!!!!

And this missing again you wake up this late with cause you still couldn’t live him all through the night wanting to see him that upclose in it ayyyaaaaaaa this mind now feeling all ajeeb away having missed out in seeing him when he was THAAAAAAAAAT close!!!!!

Now as you write should’ve just jumped on the other side only no either you could’ve successfully seen him lived him his details ayyyaaaaaaa or landed on the floor waking up!!!!!!!

This mind RIGHT now!!!!   

Hazy and lost!!!!   

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