Sunday 24 September 2023


 Ayyaaaaaaaaaaaa this heart right now feeeeeeeling all this away with this one song magic of all moments!!!!!!

This one scene and it gives you this new feeels for the first time through the movie as you’d never seen something like that even in movies till then and then to live that for the first time with him and for him to know that bout you in that very moment !!!!!!!

Like theojrb the scene he just slowly holds your hand comes close to the ear saying it’s ok it’s me you are with me and a moemnt like in that very moment to feeeeel that for him for the first time to live him that way for the first time to live that moment live that feeel and for him to know exactly what you were feeling rushing on the inside without you telling him or even looking at him like he just did sense that and soon as back in car he kept looking you at you with that one smiiiiile on him for you it meant that much closer to him and away from your fear…….

It was that feeeel that mind visualisation of picturing loving him living him with that feweeewl in your mind with him right there and him that beauuuuuuuuuty of him knowing it that veauuuuutifully well and actually telling you over the call how he could sense it…….

Tooooo many moments versions of him you were grateful for in life for having found him having found your love in him with that many people to live and love in Him!!!!!!!

Everytime there was that feel charlie soon very soon that much closer every single time maybe next time maybe next time and closer and even absence there was that feel used to be that feel maybe his work still soon…….

When did it even take this long take all these years away you didn’t even knoww!!!!!!!!

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