Sunday 3 September 2023

The mind…

 There’s this beauty of the mind charlie!!

Like you can twist it tame it try atleast bend it divert it but it will always be like the dogs tail come back pulled back drawn back to exactly how and where it’s truly meant to be, same goes for the heart too…

Like it’s not upto you definitely not upto you you think you can but naah you just can’t cause it knows things even before you even realise it yourself…

These dreams of his specially this morning one the way he is just there no sound no movement and this bwauuuuuuutoful scent of him and the sound of him breathing that THAT ACLOSE to you and you knew there he was and even with eyes shut try to go closer to him slowly and you could feel him much closer like a finger distance away and the way he moves his hand over your face in and around your hair and you try to bring your face  even closer hoping waiting for a chummi and that beauuuuuuuutiful sound of his chuckle and slow whisper after smiling away calls you howli and comes closer to your face closest to your lips and just breathes and stays that way…….you could’ve just gone and chummid him away but the waaaaaay he just stays that way and you could almost feeeeeeeeeeel his rush in the way the sound and feel of his breathe changes……..comes closer and just moves his face over yours and that rush in you to just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel him away charlie could feeeeeel his daaaaadi too and you don’t know what was worse the need to chummi his face away or just to live that beauuuuuty of him and just open your eyes away till his hands over you and that need to chummi him then and you move or something and wake up………

I swear charlie there have been a zillion helpless moments of waking up and not finding him but the one this morning was another level only!!!!!!!!!

Cause in your head and dream you were half nose closer to chumming him and wake up!!!!!!

Even writing it now this sudden rush and flow of goosebumps dhadaaaaam se!!!!!!!

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