Thursday 31 August 2023


 Some sleepy wishes your heart makes morning morning after a very long time!!!!!!!

Waking up to him for real like this ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how only every single morning like this!!!!!!!!!

There’s no other touch smell taste feel face warmth you want to wake upto than this one right here that you can still smell as you switch side and still deciding if to finally be up and ready for the half shoot or go back to sleep and wait for this once to continue the dream and find him again!!!!!!!!

This one strange magic lately him coming with and in same shirt and this time you actually tell him too in that very moment holding his shirt away!!!!!!!!

The waaaaaaaaaaaaays he comes this heart this all you how do you even go work feeeeeeling this away!!!!!!!!!!

Said it before can say over fathergodzilliok times away Him pooooooooooora ka poooooooooooooora heart of yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Walking talking breathing sexyadorableness all at once…

His eyes upclose smell of him as you try and stay that one side hiding dunking your face away in his shoulder and that beauuuuutiful rush of him like you could again feel his missing that strongly like it’s all feeling this beautifully different mornings lately…

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if you only knew slightesttttttttttt bhi how you are being missed abhiiiiii k abiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!

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