Tuesday 8 August 2023

Sound of music…!

 How do you even defiiiiine write out moemnts like these that just felt like his conversations on n off through n through!!!!!!

This ones just and all postworkot himhighd appreciation post completely!!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this one mind again right now!!!!!!!

Not sure if you intentionally do this to yourself or ur just happens with the flow of missing him like this…

This one track you play and every word he has already told you at some point different points in life…

First I hear you feel you back then in Bangalore and back from Bangalore too he would amidst his sleep talk suddenly wakes up and tells you how he could still hear your sound of voice when alone on his room even asleep the sound of your voice or mostly used to be the sounds in between chummi used to make……..like from Bangalore him telling you I miss you so much sometimes in the middle of night wake up with your sound years after you doing the same!!!!!! To him having said run away with me just bout to get off the car and he says let’s aise he go away somewhere far and you step back in again fataaak se and that chuckle of his ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa watching you do that and then nods away saying nakko tere mere ghar mein tension ho jaati and you don’t say a word and step out again and he leans over holds your hand again and takes you close to the chai galli next with that rush!!!!!!!!! Like again he knew what and how you felt when he said that and then that rush of his to live a moemnt and holds you!!!!!!!!!

To made you cry him having said it post opera moemnts again today the moves we’re like with the words n sound of this track all you could hear was him and al of you living that very feeel very moment again like it’s the ears hearing him say these things away and rest of you with eyes shut reliving the very same moment as he talks through the moves…

It was magical surreal sensual it was very very different like even now your mind all of you still living and that high with that rush donnoooo what how or why is this but the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays he comes is beyond logics!!!!!!!!

Like you could Feel it in your core that deep!!!!!!!!!

It’s this beauuuuutofully himhigh himhappppyhighd state of mind right now!!!!!!!!

Like seeing him feeeeeeeling him living him away from great upclose even in the waking state what do you even call this!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you gorgeooooous lil big adoooooooorable thing magic you were!!!!!!!!!    If you only knewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww slightest bhi!!!!!!!! THIS MIND NOW!!!!!!

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