Tuesday 8 August 2023

THE sound!!!!!!

 Late noon out for some coffee and to meet this stylist with some fit concern and as she leaves to talk to the stylist out leaves her fone behind one look at it two look at it and couldn’t hold back anymore……first thing that initial pushback to hit now with this dp of his cause it had your most loved circle circling around wait for a second for another few seconds and look at her out and she was almost done finally hit it and ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that very second howwwwwwwwww only you couldn’t stop smiling with THAT much Khushi rushing through you his voice charrllllieeeeeeeeeee after all these years the THE sound of his voice the sound of love for you ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa whiooo bhi with that most loooooooved sound he used to make out of tooo much love and comfort ayyaaaaaaa even recalling it now howwwwwwwww you wishhhhhhhhhhh he had you unblocked or atleast posted on his ringo page just so you could hear it over n over again!!!!!!!!

This beauuuuuuuty of sound and visuals charlie the waaaaaays they can suddenly make you feel on the inside like dhadaaaAaaam se is beyoooooooonf logics or writing I say!!!!!!!

How do you even define our write out what and how much it meant to you be it then or be it reliving now cause THATS howwwwww bad you missed his voice too!!!!!!!!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeeeee you deliciouslyyyyyyy adooooooooorable lil sexy big hooooman how only you weee missed abbiiiiiiiii k abhiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!

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