Sunday 6 August 2023

Waking up!!!!!!

 It’s been a recent rush of too much missing him missing his every detail the need to live looove every detail of his even be it his sound just his hand just his forehead just his nose just his chin minus the goatee now just his lip just his shoulder like any detail of his just to live loooooove it away for hours days together and not move an inch away!!!!!!

Like finalky writing it all out cause it’s being atleast said out like you just have to!!!!!!!

It’s toooooo much missing rushing on the inside like you need to let it out kinda vibe ever since the waking up like you try and go for a walk mindless shopping coming home getting nothing at all working cleaning house even cooking for that matter doesn’t help not even a bit……..

And this rush now again as it drizzles for a bit his music playing and you fall asleep for a bit and the sound of his voice that slowly touches your ear away and you move a closer to the sound of his voice not able to hear what he just said but that rush to feel his lip away and you move a lil more and that rough texture and realise you were against the wall that also could be result of too much panda videos lately but the beautiful irony of some moments …… couldn’t hear him clear but that need to feel his presence away it’s weird nai charlie how moments like these still happen how are you even able to still hear him this clear like he actually for real whispered something away and woke you up!!!!!!!

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