Tuesday 29 August 2023

What is this even!!!!!!!

 When you wake up from that wild wild him coming this morning to landing into a zillion stronger moments of him filled slammed swayed with through n through the day giving you away all tue never too far vibes of him away and HOWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Just when you think you are almost in control for the first ducking time ever in al these years it all goes out of the window all over again, like it’s meant to be…

What do you how do you even make sense of all this crazy beautiful modes of Him magicness that you and your moments and days are filled and fuelled with……..

Like theseeeeeeeeeee many feeeeeeels and this strongly what do you even make sense of this whe you are finally trying to accept of him walking away and then there’s him making you this strongly STRONGLY making you feel otherwise…

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