Tuesday 29 August 2023

Chipmunk magic…

 To this morning from that wild WILD presence of his him talking him moving him loving you every way possible and telling you he does over and over again with moments like you wake up in that haste to see touch feel him again and look around cause in your head you weee that sure he was there for real and don’t find him and the reality hits you later…

To this one song and it in a way breaks you more it’s that thing charlie when you believe in something that strongly and it resonates with you that strongly even in your dreams and not just in your waking state and then to realise it is completely ulta of what’s happening otherwise……

Like seeing him it private was like watching him leave again it just felt strange void it’s still weird just feels weird most ever……cause in some way or other it just strangely felt he still was there and then with this was like him disappearing frame after frame picture after picture…….

It still is something just feeeels that weird ok the inside…….

To these dreams and moments of him telling you otherwise still making you feel and believe in his love this strongly and you wake up sometimes talking to yourself it’s your missing talking trust me it’s you and your missing doing this to you!!!!!

Cause you miss him in a zilluon stronger ways now and feel him too along with it……

It’s this lost state of mind you wake up happy for the moment having felt lived smelled touched him and then reality through the day hits you and then not seeing him makes it all the more worse now!!!!!

To this moemnt today with the dream high state of mind trying your best to control your mind from replayin the dream and him from the morning discussing the backdrop placement and stuff for the shoot and this loud strange sound…..

Carpets all around lighting equipment’s around discussing outfits against what and this one pull of the loud sound and you just walk out from the discussion and to the balcony look around where the sound was coming from and it was a squirrel and that one loud scream in your heart it had to be you no……

Shut the balcony sliding door and talk back to the chipmunk saying sooo whatsuppp why you screaming and it actually looks at you and starts talking even louder and you have a good random chat with it as it actually looks at you and talks even louder coming a step closer with every few mins……

Play his music and just be there for a bit and reliving him fork those first meets calling him chipmunk for the first time nicknaming him away cause he wanted you to call him something which only you would…

It was different charlie it was almost magic like that calm that comfort that one lil chipmunk got your heart was beyond words……cause you were that high and lost and confused from the morning him and there he was in his own way somehow again giving you that love away…….

As mad as this sounds some moments nai you can’t just can’t reason out why it made you feel the way it did it just did in that moment cause you alone know what and how you were feeeeeling ever since that dream of his and then to find this chipmunk actually talking to you to your manager coming at you and watching you talk to the chipmunk away stands there with the light guys and comments over how important was this for you to just walk out of the discussion and again something you alone know HOW important it was……..

Like you have a talk there and finally head back in and that lil fellow actually stops talking like from all that loud sound earlier pulling you off and away closer to that moment to having that conversation and then that calm….

As you stand back in studio and smile away with no further sounds of the squirrel…….

Something’s nai that thaaaaat very beautiful!!!!!!!!!

It just made your heart happy for no reason and yet a strong reason I say…!

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