Sunday 6 August 2023

Waking up!!!!!!!

 This morning or noon it was eyes shut and as you keep turning one side to the other cause of the cooker ringing out and this one thing to find who invented it even and you finally plug the earplugs in play this track and turn to one side and the same very second like your face lands in his hand cause you could that strongly smell the scent of him and that sudden rush on the inside he was hereeeeee and you try to move your face closer just so you touch him away wit your face without moving all of you just to sense and feeeeel his presence away……

That very moment his daaaaaadi over your face that same smell of his daaadi from that night that you’d smelled for the first time and you actually tell him too that now you looooved the scent of his daaadi too!!!!!!!

And in that very moment today too the waaaay everything inside you smiles awaaaay reliving that same scent of his daaadi away from that night…..and even before you make sense of anything else this rush of him this wild wild rush of him like he missed you that much with sudden moves and moments and to feeeeeeeel relive that same feeeel of his teeth away again something you shouldn’t be writing out and might delete later but this very moment to write out cause it wasn’t just a dream after all……..something’s charlie like you don’t even remember as you avoid reliving certain moments of love knowing the after affects it leaves you with so you just avoid ……..and to live that feeeeeeeeel all over again after all these years was exactly how he left it witg……….that same feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel with that same rush of his and this one point you actually make a sound and wake yourself up……

And run out to check if mom was around your room and then to come to back to the room to him like in your head in that moment you actually thought he would still be there thinking it all to be real like realmy real morning waking up kinda moment…….

And when it hits you it was a dream you try and go back to sleep with that same track on loop hoping it would continue right from there and doesn’t happen…

It was only hours later for the shower you notice it left a mark of color of his love on you same spot………

How what why it still doesn’t make any absolute sense how could that even be possible like that deep of a color same spot it was a dream to think of it it just is not possible!!!!!!

Even writing it now this weird feeeeeel like it’s definitely not just your mind working up the missing in all these ways there’s something to it definitely then why just the dreams…………!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa writing and reliving it now!!!!!!!!

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