Wednesday 2 August 2023


 It’s been one weird mood state of mind currently where some dream some waking up some moemnt though your day sways you off and away only to come back home one look at the mirror in that flying him high state of mind you literally say out to yourself suchaa fool you are nai!!!!!

It’s that thing of him giving his love away for his good which you are happy for him about but what do you even do bout your own this state of mind that finds these lilst moments of magic cause they all fall in one row…

Like it’s one after the other and not just your mind trippin on him but these moments are actually happening for real charlie……

And you just donnooooo what to do bout this you!!!!!

It’s like sudden you see something and you are smiiiiiiling away with all your heart akele akele cause you alone knowwwwww the way he came along with the brush of the wind and swept you off and away like from that moemnt on it’s all him that you can think feeel live away even looking out the window…….

These very moments the waaaaaay they fill you up with THAT much him in faction of a second is beyoooooooond logics I swear!!!!!!!

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