Sunday 6 August 2023

Miss rush!!!!!!

 This rush of missing lately and to be in some place of his to find back that calm!!!!!

The other day at necklace road and the road ahead was closed so couldn’t live the under the tree vibe and you just be there get out take a walk around with your mom still in the car and she asks for ice cream and buttas……this one lil girl with flowers comes over red rose bouquet and she asks to buy and you keep telling her no and finally at ice cream call her back and ask her which ice cream she liked and she denies asking you to buy it for your boyfriend husband lover and you laugh it away saying he is not here but and start talking to her instead for flavour of ice cream and then ask her name before she leaves with the ice cream and she says chethana and that feeeeeewwwl on the inside had to be nai…tell her she has the most beautiful name in the world!!!!!

That feeeeeel stays with you moments like these charlie they don’t really have to be big but on a beautiful night in one of his places where you felt his love for you jn the most beauuuuutiful of ways to just loving the under tree vibe and he notices without you telling him takes the car closer to the trees and one look at him him still watching you with that smiiiiiiiile is when all those lil things you loved did become secondary cause you loooooooved living him his details every lil detail bout him you loved noticing living discovering and loooooooooving each one of them away!!!!!!

That place is to relive his way of love for you!!!!!!!

To just relive feeeeeeeeel that feeeeeeling of his love there!!!!!!

Like you couldn’t stop smiling even getting back in the car the place has changed so much but those very same trees still there only a lil bigger but in the nights it’s a vision to live that place charlie that that beautiful!!!!!!

Specially on a chilly night his way of leaving the car door open playing his music and reliving him away!!!!!!!

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