Friday 4 August 2023


 SOME mornings like these!!!!!!!!!

There no dream though but this THIS BIG of feeeeeeeels it’s all been like!!!!!!

Be it the hit of nostalgia last night which coming soon but for now this feeeeeeeeeele that’s rushing throug you right now is beyoooooooond logics !!!!!!

Why how or what you right now still donno but this rush of him!!!!!!!!!!!

Workout starts with this amaaaaaaaaazkng set of a find again when you find something as epic as this the only person that rushes through you is Him… even whilst on the treadmill this own dance mode to this sudden neeeeed to get have his psy beedi and just live him away this new feeeel came after a very long time…….to just get high with this set playing and to just live him every bit of him away!!!!!!!

Like it was a viiiiiiiibe workout not just the regular one to the post workout moemnt and this track of kaya and THIS heart to another mode altogether!!!

The first time he makes you listen to kaya project dropping you ack home he was wearing proper pink tee and you keep teasing away saying isn’t that a gay color and he says something that like always shuts you up looks you in the eye and plays kaya project with that smile and look still on…….

Be it that sudden rush of him in his presence that you’d felt or everytime when there’s a deeeeep missing to listen to from Mumbai of the same artist to this one now today…

And flashes of him his expressions his smiles his sadness his lostness his happiness to his peak high passionate version of him like every detail of him his eyes his cheeeeks his nose his adooooooorable nose twitch his lips his skin his hands the hair on his palms his forehead to neck every bit of him, rushes and flashes through you all through the moves like the mind all of you that beauuuuuuuutofully soaked and swept away with all things him…to realising you have loved him sooooo sooooo much like so much and much more than you’ve missed him definitely…

There’s nothing no one absolutely NOTHING that makes you feel the way anything slightest of Him does…!

Ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this mind this you right now THAT fulllllll of him and HOW!!!!!!!!!

It’s Ben a ironically beautiful start to the day already…

Heart mind soul body all of you, just happy…!

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