Thursday 3 August 2023

Morning sounds…

 When you wake up with his sound of voice still ringing through you!!!!!

Like all of last night it was like him right beside you same pillow holding touching sniffing you away with his nibble chummis saying something talking something whispering away like you were loooooving that vibe of his closeness that closest to you in a long while that you just didn’t wanna move or rush and live that beauuuuuuuuty of him!!!!!!!

Like it was for the longest hours almost all night just that feeeeeeel touch and sound of him that you wake up and this THIS huge missing of everything him like suddenly there was no sound you could hear suddenly that beautifully numb all around……

Like it took a few mins or almost half an hour to make sense with the current reality zone of morning and in that moment just that one wish you going back to sleep just so you could continue living him away right from he left!!

It all had that same vibe of his Versova meeeet and that’s why it’s your most looooooved place in the entire face of this earth I say!!!!!

That same sense of suddenly feeling empty like you remember soon as you got off his couch to get ready to leave you just stand there and look at him laying over the couch still looking at you and you tell him ajeeb lagra and that one smiiiiiileeeeeeeeee of his like he exaaaactly knew what and how ajeeb you felt in that moment like you look at all of you and then look at him like suddenly you felt that empty cause that’s how he was laying with you by your side that much closeness for the longest hours and then suddenly empty it was beautifully weird and the beauty of it he knew what and how you’d felt in that very moment!!!!!

That exact same ditto vibe this morning too!!!!!!!!!

That rush to workout to fill it up your way and the waaaaaaaaay finding this track was pure magic!!!!!!!

Flashes of him through the lift looking that beauuuuuuutoful to that gomukasan pose and the second you move your one arm back there was that strong sense of suddenly your hand arm beinf touched or held and writing this out now definitely feels all the more crazy but that’s how that one moemnt felt!!!!!

To the usual his arm over senses and the waaaaay it turned out to be the best postworkout himhighd moments today!!!!! In the longest time!!!!!!

This mind aaaaj thoooooo heights I say!!!!!!!!!

This THIS hiiiiiiiiiiiigh on him!!!!!!!!! Already and it’s just the start of the day!!!!!!!!!!

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