Wednesday 2 August 2023

Some days!!!!!!

 It’s like from that moemnt on your mind was exacccty feeling all this away living him from tiniest of moemnts from that meet to this one wrong turn cause of the jam on your favourite most galli at the shoe making factor Link Road lane and you ask the driver to take the u turn and mentions bout which lane and you were on work call and further adds but straight gaye tho it will be Bombay highway and you in that rush of him moemnt ask sudhakar to take it to straight Bombay only then……

And the driver stops the car for a bit asking you again and another turn and back on route to meet a friend over coffee and late lunch cause you skipped it again today!!!!

The second you stop there right beside there was this cafe small space and right outside smiling C that beauuuutifully lit sighs I tell you charlie every where you see there is one him…..

The mind from there on ever since the moon was this beauuuuutiful lost in all him while she keeps talking bout something and your mind all of you that beautifully lost……where finally she mentions bout how it’s like you are not even here just by your facial expressions!!!!!!

Cause today you just couldn’t help it and finally leave from there taking a longer route home this love for late night or evening drives charlie with music that makes you feeeeeeeeeel him the most away and you live love absolutely every bit of it cause it brings back those late night dropping you home drives wit him him his facial expressions over some songs his moods him taking slower longer route to drop you home and then that adooooooooooooorabke silk face the second you are bout to step out of his car!!!!!!

Those drives was like living him more and falling and rising in love with him all over again…… watch him drive smile talk chuckle his wayyyyy of sitting every lil detail bout him ayyyaaaaaaaa this mind this heart right now!!!!!!!!

It’s like you feeeeeeel him the most these late evening drives home it’s strange it’s beautiful madness how you do but you do and that very strongly!!!!!!!!

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