Thursday 31 August 2023

In the air!!!!!

 Some days just donnoooo like you can feeeeel it in the air itself !!!!!!!!

Places been with him years after very place and this feeeeeeeeeel you are suddenly swayed away with!!!!!!

Like how do you even have a straight face on with a mind roll like this one today ever since the start of the day Him highdddddddddd and how!!!!!!!

Like right now trying to find a way befetwen a smile and a straight face just so it’s not this evident that something’s up on your mind……

Said it before can say it over and over again that one face in the world for you and anything him and THIS you it transforms away is beyond logics…

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeee you beauuuuutofil lil big adotaaaaaably sexy thing how only you were missed abhiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiii bas feeeeeel Jo jaanaaaaa tumkuuuuu Kaise bhi ayaaaaaaaaaaaaa why just why can’t the air transport the missing in some way!!!!!!!!!

Like you intentionally keep reliving the moments from this morning and it’s been one self goosebumped mode since morning!!!!!!!

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