Tuesday 8 August 2023

The HMM!!!!!

 Slowly holding you that first hug soon as he is over your shoulder that sound of his hmm soon as you are over his lap through the drives and he adjusts his arm over you holding you and finding that comfort spot to hold onto and then the sound of his hmm to the golden hour meets that first second he would lay over your lap finding that comfort spot the sound of his hmm to that first any closer moment and it always used to be that sound he used to make be it in that Dd meet too as he keeps dropping you over the floor after every move and finally holds you away in his arms and that sound of his hmm……..

It soon turned out his comfort blanket of a word like making that sound out of too much love or comfort and today hearing him say it throwing a ball at ringo and as ringo comes closer saying good boyyyhhhh ringo same exaaaact tone he used to say it for lucky in that cute tone of voices like you talk to the kids on that tone him same same talking to lucky now ringo in that very same tone of voice…

Some moments charlie nai fills you up with this huge feeeeel of after all these years somethings don’t really change no matter what!!!

His voice his that tone of speech to that sound of his hmmm………..am telling you every bit of him every sec or inch of him LOOOOOOOOOOVE in the most magical surreal of ways pure looooooooove!!!!!!!

Like even writing now reliving the sound of him this smiiiiile just wouldn’t go or subside I say!!!!!!!!

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