Tuesday 29 August 2023

Always did!!!!!!

 Ever since him charlie anything to do with him always left a stronger impact on you…..

Be it him leaving for Bangalore for the first time being away from him and just watching him leave get into the car and you head back to his sisters room with her……

She paints your nails watching some videos and an hour later or something holds your hand and sees you had a temperature and actually calls him up and tells him that it hasn’t even been a day he left and you already were down with fever……

And then tells you it used to happen with her too as a kid…..

To the very same thing on and off with his blocks then his constant block then this Instagram thing and the next day you wake up with a temperature for a few days like it’s taking your body too to adjust as per the change……

It’s strange in your mind through your day you are still at it avoiding workouts on some days or post stretches some day cause of the wait for feeling him through the workouts so you ski p it instead to these dreams of his and the waaaaaaaaays it makes you feel him all the more……

This one from morning specially like he missed you that much you could feel it that strongly in his touch and sound of his voice to his arms like all of him with his words telling you how much he missed you loved you and then you wake up not finding him to realising to the after feels and then to find your own lil moemnt of magic was something else…….

To think of it now it’s your most feminine side that comes along with him like that sense and feel of him that makes you feel and realise you are a woman cause lately you don’t even dress that way anymore!!!!!! 

Something’s nai are just beyond you how could you feel it all this strongly and with still no him like this…

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