Tuesday 2 May 2023

Slides of Him!!!!!!

 How much is toooo much to miss a single face on the planet for this longest ever!!!!!!!!!

Like you blink through and there are constant slides of him expressions versions of him rushing through you on a constant mode…

Again where you are struggling to write out with no net and power issue evenings to the blog page issues yesterday!!!!!!

It’s this huge heart scream out that you soooooooooo soooooooooooo baaaadly want to and unable to do so!!!!!

And finally get the Internet changed this morning and aaaj you will heart out I say!!!!!!

Workout done pushed through today with the hectic schedule lately work and post work too!!

To this very moment mid workout his monolink track and the waaaaaay it fataaaak se changes the track of the mind and HOW!!!!!!!!!

It’s sudden deeeeel charlie that sort of overlaps you away with the sound…

To the post workout stretch moments ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you bend and you almost see him bend towards you the other way round you move n feel his hands over you it’s all magically weird the way your mind plays him through these moves…….like he is just there with you in every move with wvey move!!!!!!

To this moment when you lay your head down the robo cop visual of his from Skype call pops up the call before you met him at day at his Dd space every single time you recall something or the other from that meet the waaaaaaaaaaaay it app starts to feel on the inside lilst did you know that day lilst idea if only you had that day!!!!!!!

THIS LONG!!!!!!!!  

Even writing now his faces charlie his expressions his smiiiiles through these moves with you you still wonder how’s that even possible even waking state but the waaaaay these moments feeeeel beyond world it’s waaay more than just magic cause magic somehow could be slightest superficial but these moments are beyond that…


Heart mind face insides of you still smiling I say and HOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you gorgeoooooys lil big adooooooorably delicious sexy thing how only you were missed I say!!!!!!!!  

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