Friday 19 May 2023

THIS BIG of something!!!!

 How like HOW do some places leave this big of a something within you!!!!!!

Of the then and the now THIS big of a longing this strong feeeeel of missing Him for real in life…

Like it’s this huge shift in you that it’s left you with!!!!!!!

Out for fast n furious with manager and def one of their best Post movie a friend drops over and just about to head out somewhere and you see hard rock and that need to be there with these recent memory recalls like that strong need to be one of his places…

The second you step in the stairs ahhhhhhhhh back then it used to be crowded and that same feeeeel of missing him that much and him missing you much much more than you were with that feeeewwl……

Get away from your sister and over to the stairs sit there over the call with him for more than 2 hours or something it was…cause he that badly wanted to take you there and you were there first time with ur sister n her back then boyfriend…

And you could sense that strong missing of his over the call by his voice and you stay wit him over the fone……in a way being there with him in that very place!!!!!! To just realise and relive he loved you that THAT much!!!!!!!!

People walking up n down stares and laughs as you sit in one corner and talk to him where they attend you there itself with some water and stuff and you just be filling up his absence away…

Take the table that day right across the stairs almost where you could see it from and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it’s filled you with charlie it’s beyond all missings!!!!!!

This strong longing this huge space kinda thing in your life for Him…

It’s feeeeeling weirdly painful in a way!!!!!!!

To just visually live that then and now wali feeeeel was something else!!!!!

As they talk and stuff you were there sipping your mango berry away cause being a Thursday it was no chicken n no daru day…….

But that one feeeeeewwweeel just looking at that very corner cause the stairs look the exact same like it was back then even the smoking section on one corner almost same but that ONE feeeeeeeeeeel of him!!!!!!!!

THIS BIG OF A MISSING like no other!!!!!!!!

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