Sunday 28 May 2023

The Mind Love…!

 It’s this thing you’ve living and experiencing lately people may or mostly do not understand your words but to understand your mind like not a word said just by your face say out what’s exactly on your mind or sometimes not even say it out and just nod away knowing what’s in your mind was also another sexiest thing bout him……

Like that was when you would always feel the MOST loved the waaaaaaaay he would just know things on your mind just by that one look at you and just know it all away and HOW!!!!!!

To be there that noon to walk around recalling those moments with him shopping or those lunch dates lil talks of nothingness sharing food knowing him living him feeling the luckiest in the world away and to not still finding him beside you it was a beautifully weird feeel!!!!!!

Some random comment bout your insta I’d manager comments over where in your head it was more of Scooby do thing it made it sound like the tag line of your life it seems a what to doo!!!!!!

And you finally decide to change it couldn’t think of a name and then recall his and whyyyy not the heart felt…

It’s beeeen feeeeling all different lately charlie somehow donno why or how despite the other track of reality playing with no him the way the dreams are getting stronger you feeel him more on drives around when you need to feel that listens in him more post work and decide to go a longer route home and the waaaaay you feel him more he talks more in dreams now as you try to move holds you closer not wanting you to leave it’s all getting stronger more now strangely…….

And yet there are things that still can’t make any sense what do ever…also why you struggled to not write out this state of mind but something’s nai and that one tinnnngggggg bolke pull of all the names in the world it had to be Chippy… :D 

The sound of his name ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that load of happiness and more it brings along I say!!!!!!!

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