Tuesday 23 May 2023

Outta music almost!!!!

 It’s only this morning that you ekdum se realise you are almost outta his music for the post workout moments!!!!!

Again no dream is what you thought cause for the first time ever you almost forgot the dream from this morning or his sounds from this morning…

Blame it on the heat as it’s only getting worser by the day like you start the workout as a boiled egg by the end of it feeeelin it like a crisp fried omelette I say!!!!  

Sooooo yaaa beeen deeeeep missing last few days donno why how or what it is but the waaaaaay THIS neeeeeed strong rush to seee him for real to live him for real to feel his presence for real to touch him for real to hold him for real to chummmmiiiii the face and everything outta hmmm for real like toooo many for real feeeeels rushing through and you are trying your best level ultimate best to get a hold on but naiiii horaa charlie the waaaaaaaaaay this mind this you is feeeeeligbaway tooo waaay toooo much lately!!!!!

With no dream finally get on with the workout after a lot of nah not today garmiiii nai hotaaa and then that meeed to feeeel him away live him away for a moemnt to start the day with and finallllly do!!!!!!

Hufff huffff bolke somehow done and there was that moment song after song after song it just wasn’t working today like no track with that feeeeeel of him that comes along with no sense of him fonaaaaly head to his channel and this one track does it…

Soon as you play agaoaaaaaaain for the godziiiiliiionth time again his face from Versova am telling you charlie mera dimaaag piooora ka poooora Versova mode mein running horaa!!!   Lately

From that moment to close your eyes lay down for a movement and you first feeeel him over ur ear one side then slowly his sound of voice deeeeel of him over the back and as you stay hold that position his sound saying sun zaara from this morning plays on loop thaaaaaats when you realise he did come this morning like yo could just hear him strangely like saying just one word over n over again in that same song tone of his voice like he was humming it away closest to your ear cause you could feeel his lip over the ear too…..just saying sun zaraaa sun zaraaa over n over!!!!!

The way that realisation that whole moment leaves you in state of something beyond words!!!!!

Like u were shocked stunned losing sense of the real moment then or back in the same dream moment him saying it to you or feeeeling his presence over ur back away!!!!!!

Even writing it now this feeeeeeeeeeeel magic is for real like realllly REAL!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeee baaaahhhhhhh tummmmm kitttaaaaaa zoooor zoooooooooor seeeeee yaaaaaaad aaaare kitttuuuu miyaaaaaaaaaaa if you only knew zaraaaa sa bhiiii!!!!!!!!

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