Tuesday 16 May 2023


 Moments just the like sounds you come across throug the day or the dreams that you’ve lived or the post stretch moments sort of form this base for that day of all things Him…

After Starbucks it was clearing fone memory and finding this screen grab on a Sunday too of a Sunday like that one!!!!!!!

From missing him to living him on Sunday mornings waking up and looking for him that day too was a usual looking for him post few hours of sleep after a disturbed night and then realising something of the previous conversation with him of what he had said…..the second you check the fone and realise it was that sound you wokeup with actually it was a text from him just a smiley and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel charlie when you experience one of the most beauuuuutofully ironic fweeeps and get confused if to be happy bout or frown over it was those kinda moments…

Firstly it was a long lost dream of the longest time ever to live him on a Sunday morning soon as you are up and there he was but the realisation of the earlier conversation makes your head scream out hold back the horses and don’t get all happy over it it must be a continuation of the waiver conversation but anyway take a screengrab of the moment cause in that moment you were ironically he Sahi the happiest you’d been in the recen times…

One dream one strongest longed for wish strike off literally off the tanker list not just bucket list wala thing I say!!!!!

Cause that’s how many wishes they all have jumbled up to be by now…

To the complete day those feeeeels of him that level of missing to heading out for a bit of work and shopping and that lost state of mind cause suddenly it all hits you back and how…….

To finding yourself the very next in that space to live those moments and in your way back home this one corner turning pe bad jam and as you look to your right there was this car parked and guess what the number plate was - 2009…

I know much random but to you it was evrythung again one of those yet another one of thise pearl touch moments it felt like…….

That beauuuutifully insync!!!!!

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