Thursday 25 May 2023

THE pull…

 Something’s can never make any sense missing him away waaaaay too much lately and you sit and read your mind and his chats away!!!!!!

Jabbbb maloooom something’s padhee tho mind disturb hotaaa like you know for sure and yet you dooo!!!!!

Why no clue maybe cause it’s just his words something from him that you miss THAT much!!!!!

So even if it feeels bitter it’s that thing bout being his and you in way your own way fill up the absence away…

This morning again no dream and that neeeeed for the workout specially after yesterday as it was the lifestyle moments his tibbbs frankie place and again come back home with toooo tooooooooooooo much of him and HOW!!!!!

To this state of mind if lands you in after reading his chats this morning……

Post workout that another wait any moment pls comeeee pls comeeeeeee like inside of you almost in that state of WAIT……

And that slow touch over your arm ekdum seee with this track to that pull and as you bend over to the side that one face of him blowing the smioke circles away over Skype…….

The waaaaaaaaaaaaaay there was something that THAT sexy magic like beauuuuuuuuuutoful about the waaaay he looked his complete face his expression like in your head the visual watching do that even back in like it would all play in slow mo like suddenly it all that beauuuuuuutifully slows down…….

And as you feeeeeel that pull of his hand over yours and trip a lil and that very second that rush of self talk merkooo ineeee abhiiiiiiii k abiiiiii honaaaaa idhar!!!!!!!

It was madness it was heights of missingness but more of madness now as you read your own state of mind from that moment writing it out!!!!!!!

AGAIN one of those things that are beyond any logic what so ever!!!!!!!

Haiii so haiiiiii!!!!!

How donnoooo!!!!!!!!!!

Some words and the way they can hit you and stay with you!!!!!!

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